In this section, you will find jumbled together advice and feedback from parents, patients and even doctors. This is about getting out of the pure medical field and sharing tips, unconventional “alternative medicine” treatments, ways of life.

Elodie, mother of a little girl suffering from ITP: when my daughter’s platelets are down, I give her trace elements and acerola and generally it goes back up automatically in 48 hours. If I do not give it, the decrease continues, the hemetomas are darker and the petechiae are in greater quantity.

Dr BERGER in St Etienne: His experience with hemophiliacs allows him to advise BLOXANG in gel or sponge: it contains a hemostatic agent and dissolves on its own without having to remove it. In addition, HEC ointment is used to rebuild the nasal mucosa but it must be put on at least a month every night if you want good results to reduce epistaxis.